It’s a matter of just microseconds when the time stops defying the laws of physics when your phone slips through your hands into the toilet or a pool or when it comes in contact with liquid which can probably damage it permanently. Unfortunately, the chances of the permanent water-damaged smartphone after it takes a dive in the water is high enough. Talking about Vivo, these smartphones are good is specifications and configuration, however, these are too delicate devices and even traces of water-damaged signs can result in permanently damaged and deemed unusable.

Okay, if you are clumsy or things tend to drop from your hands often, you are either buy a fancy waterproof smartphone that would cost you more or you can tag along protective covers that promises resistant to water, however, it might not a be 100% guaranteed. On the other hand, you can take measures beforehand rather than waiting for a strike on your phone to dive into the water. With more an more people addicted to smartphones where the majority of them have no water-proof coating or pouch, it is highly unlikely that everyone will manage to save their phones before it plunges into the water which can be either submersion or spill.

Since GetDroidTips answers questions that users ask frequently, we decided to opt for the topic ‘How To Fix [Vivo] water damaged smartphone’ since it is applicable to all the smartphones in the market. Did you just dropped your phone in toilet, pool, or spilled something on it, rest assured since we got your back. These are few steps that you can take and try to save your phone from dying rather than sticking to traditional let it a dry method which is highly ineffective.

How To Fix Vivo Water Damaged Smartphone

The Don’ts

Before diving into the do’s, let’s dig into some of the “Don’ts” that you shouldn’t do because it clearly says “don’t”.

Don’t Panic If you dropped your phone by accident or out of any anger or whatever, once it is submerged under water, you’ll start panicking and that is what will cause more problem. So, don’t panic and simply follow the steps mentioned in this guide and keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best.

Don’t Turn It ON If you accidentally spill any liquid on your phone or if it submerged in the water, take it out and do not turn it off. There is a simple explanation for it too. Turning ON the phone will push water into the internal circuit and increase the chances of short circuits, etc. Plugging it to a charger in an attempt to power it up is another No-Go.

Don’t Press Keys Once you take out your phone from water, keep it aside and do not touch it. Don’t try to shake it or press any button. Doing so will push the water trapped between the rocker buttons to dive in the internal circuits and assembly and as said, it is not good to have water in the internal circuits. Even if you have a 90% chance that the phone would work properly even after submerging under water assuming that no water escaped in the internal assembly, you will deteriorate to a lower probability if you keep on pressing the phone to revive the phone.

Don’t blow dry or heat it up It’s common sense that blowing drying anything that is wet will dry it up and similarly, heating it up will evaporate excess water stuck on the object, however, this doesn’t go well with any electronic gadgets. Blow drying or heating it up are two different factors which potential to cause physical damage to the internal assembly and thus, it is better to avoid it rather than paying a hefty fee to get the affected component fixed. Now that you know what you shouldn’t do, let’s see what actually you need to do and hope that it would turn out to be great and effective saving your phone.

The Do’s –

Disassemble the water damaged smartphone

What this means is when you remove your phone after it dipped in any water body, remove all the parts which are removable. It includes the phone cover since a majority of people have covers on their phone to prevent physical damage if it falls on the ground and not in water. Now, remove the cover, then, remove the back panel of your phone. Now, if your phone has a removable battery, you already know what you need to do. Take it out and keep it aside. If your phone houses a non-removable battery, refrain from using any tactics to remove it since it won’t and even if it does, it will cause more harm than water just did. Next is to remove SIM card from SIM slots and SD cards from their respective slot. Take a dry paper towel or tissue to wipe the water from those parts that you just removed. Talking about the phone, we will see how to wipe it in the next step.

Dry out the exterior first

Take a paper towel and carefully wipe the exterior the phone without shaking it too much. Do not push the paper towel inside the audio jacks and slots since it might push the water deep inside the internal assembly. Be careful when doing it and use precaution while handling the phone as a jerk or a shake would send the water down and deep inside the phone.

Use a vacuum cleaner to suck water out

Confused? If you read until now, there was a “don’ts” according to which, you shouldn’t use blowers than why and how can you use a vacuum cleaner here. It is because vacuum cleaner will suck out the excess water. You can turn your vacuum cleaner into a lighter setting and take its nozzle towards audio jacks, slots, and the bezel, buttons, around the battery (if non-removable), etc. Ensure that you mustn’t move the phone excessively until it is further explained how to do it.

Dig it & let it dry

The next step can be drastic for someone who is too addicted to their phones. Since the phone is still wet and needs to dry out quickly or it will get damage permanent, you need to keep a distance from it for few days. There is an effective way to dry off the phone. Take a ziplock bag and put your phone inside it. Now, fill it with uncooked rice and zip it. Now, keep the bag idle for at least 2 to 3 days without trying to check if it worked or not.

Pay a close attention that you don’t have to try and check if the phone has started working or not for a minimum duration of 2 to 3 days has completed. Take the SIM card and put it on any other device that you can use for the time being. Or stick to traditional letters or smoke signals but do not touch the ziplock bag before 2 days. But why rice, you may ask? Rice is a great water and humidity absorbent which literally sucks out the trapped water droplets on the phone.  There is an alternative available for rice which is silica gel packs. These are small packets that you would often find in electronic boxes or shows that keeps it dry and aromatic which is known to be more effective than rice.

Address the elephant in the room

Okay, this is just a phrase but it is related here. Take the ziplock bag after 2 to 3 days and remove the phone out of it. Check for any traces of water which are unlikely to be present now. Then, take the battery and plug in the phone to the charger. Let the phone charge for 10 to 15 minutes even if there is no charging sign on the screen. Now, press the ‘Power’ button and hope that it would start. If it did, you are lucky enough and now, you can enjoy your smartphone.If it didn’t turn out to be as per you wished, I am sorry but your phone is ‘no more’. What should you do next? You can take the phone to an authorized technician to check if they can repair it or not.

What to do in the future

Although these steps help one revive his/her phone after it tumbled in water, there is no firm guaranteed since most phones get permanently damaged due to water. But if you are fortunate enough to revive it back, there are things that you must know and do in future to prevent such circumstances.

Starting with investing in waterproof cases and pouches that will prevent water damage if you accidentally drop your phone in a pool or spill water on it. There are a bunch of choices available for both Android and iPhone, however, the later has the greater probability of replacement than the former. Next thing to remember is to sync your data to Google Drive or any other cloud services. This will at least enable you to retrieve the data even if the phone is no more usable. Android is an excellent operating system since you can sync absolutely any type of data from audios, videos, photos, contacts, pdf, files, apk files, zip files, etc right onto the Google Drive. However, it is also applicable to iPhone users where they can upload their data to the Dropbox.

Finally, getting a replacement of the phone will be economical because once the phone has taken a dip in the water, it won’t be too long since it will become operational again which can be because of rust, corrosion, or failing internal components, etc. Continue reading on GetDroidTips and stay amazed!

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