Users may come across the error code “0x90070032” when trying to use the Windows mail application. This happens whenever there is a conflict in synchronization between the user email account and Windows mail application.

So to fix the Windows Mail app error code 0x90070032, we have brought this guide. Let’s get started.


How to Fix Windows Mail App Error code 0x90070032

Error code “0x90070032” gets thrown due to failure in synchronization from Microsoft servers. In this guide, we will go through all the steps on how to fix the error code “0x90070032” on Windows.

Preliminary Solutions to Fix: Windows Mail App Error code 0x90070032

Before performing the fixes for error code “0x90070032” on Windows, you should check if your system is operating on the latest stable version. Microsoft has managed to address this issue through a newer update, so it is worth checking for it.

Fix 1 – Switch Mail Accounts

A majority of users who encounter the error code “0x90070032” in Windows have reportedly managed to clear the problem after switching to a Microsoft Account.

Here’s all you need to know on how to switch your Account:

Note – For the instruction below, we will cover how to set a local account as well as set a Microsoft Account

  • Go to Settings
  • Locate Accounts from the list and click on it
  • From below, select Sign in with a Microsoft account.
  • Enter credentials for current Microsoft account
  • Select Next to create local Account
  • Create Username and Password, then click Next
  • In the window, select Sign out and Finish.
  • Repeat the same steps above by going to Settings
  • Click on Account and select Sign in with Microsoft Account.
  • Enter local account credentials
  • Type Username and Password for Microsoft account and Sign in

Once you are done switching the mail account, check the Windows mail application to see if the error “0x90070032” is cleared. Otherwise, proceed to the next solution.

Fix 2 – Reinstall Windows Mail Application

If the issue was not resolved from switching to Microsoft Account, the error code “0x90070032” in Windows could be cleared by reinstalling the Windows mail application.

Here’s all you need to know on how to reinstall Windows mail application:

  • Search for Windows PowerShell from the Start menu.
  • Right-click on it and select Run as administrator
  • Enter the following command inside: Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object{$_.packagename –like “windowscommunicationsapps”} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online
  • Close the Windows PowerShell
  • Go to Microsoft Store and search for the Mail app.

Once you are done with the Powershell command, reinstall the Windows mail application from the Microsoft store and see if error code”0x90070032″ is cleared.

This sums up our guide on how to fix the error “0x90070032” on Windows. If you liked this, do remember to check our other Windows Guides, Gaming Guides, Social Media, iPhone Guides, and Android Guides to read more. If you have any doubts or feedback, comment down with your name along with the email ID. We will get back to you shortly. Also, subscribe to our YouTube Channel to win our $150 giveaway contest. Thank you.