LG did not have a great run this year. Moreover, the brand tried to bring some excitement for its users by launching the LG G8X smartphone. Though the device itself does not have something that would blow the minds of the users, the dual-screen attachment made some of the head turns. Moreover, with the help of this dual-screen users get to use some more and extra features which were possible on the foldable phones like the Galaxy Fold, or the Huawei Mate X. But, there is a limitation in the number of apps that can utilize the dual-screen attachments on the LG G8X.
To our rescue, there is an app that forces the widescreen for any app with the dual-screen attachment on the LG G8X. The app is called G8X WideMode. With the help of this app, users can access any app across both the displays just like you would do on a dual-screen monitor. The process of forcing any app to use these features on the dual-screen attachment of the LG G8X. You just need to follow the below-mentioned steps in order to successfully force any app for using the wide mode on your LG device. So, without any further ado, let us get straight into the article itself:
How to force Wide Screen for any app with the Dual Screen attachment on the LG G8X
This app i.e. the G8X WideMode is available for free to download from th Google Play Store. Besides, you can head over to the below section for downloading the app.
[googleplay url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.refy.android.g8x.widemode”]
Steps to force widescreen for any app on LG G8X
Once you have downloaded the G8X WideMode application on your device, then you can follow the below mentioned simple steps:
- Firstly, install the G8X WideMode application on your LG G8X smartphone.
- Now, you need to pull down the notification panel on your home screen.
- Swipe down again to open the entire Quick Settings menu.
- Then you need to tap on the pencil icon that allows you to add or edit shortcuts in your Quick Settings menu.
- Locate the Wide Mode shortcut and add it to your Quick Settings.
- Now just open any app and from the Quick Settings notification panel tap on Wide Mode shortcut to force it to show on the dual-screen attachment.
- That’s it!
You can additionally check out the video below for your reference:
There you have it, by following such simple steps and downloading this application, you can easily force any application on your LG G8X device to use the Wide Mode feature. Note that there might be some bugs and issues while using this app which is expected to get fixed in future versions.
So, that’s it from my side in this post. Hope you guys liked this post and were able to successfully force any app on your LG G8X to use the widescreen mode on the dual-screen attachment. Let us know in the comments below if you come across any issues while following any of the above-mentioned steps. Until the next post…Cheers!
Source: XDA