In this guide, we will show you how to get $100 in your bank account in the BitLife game. The real-life simulation is perhaps among the best text-based game as of now. It’s not that this genre is filled with many offerings, but whatever games it had up until now, they weren’t able to gather much attention.

However, with BitLife, things have changed, and for the better. Right from the birth all way up to your grave, you will have to make some tough decisions that will shape your future. One of the most important decisions in this regard is choosing the right career that will decide how much income will you be able to get your hands on.

These include becoming a dentist, chef, farmer, a social media star, or even the Prime Minister/President of your country. While all these makes the game all the more challenging and interesting, there is something else that you could add to it. Regularly, the game gets blessed with new events and quests.

One of them is the 100 challenge, which requires you to have exactly $100 by the time you reach 100 years. Apart from that, few other things need to be on the exact 100 level, but it is with the money, that people are having issues. So in this guide, we will help you to get $100 in your bank account in BitLife. Let’s begin. On that note, don’t forget to check out the BitLife’s Tiger Challenge as well.

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How to get $100 in your bank account in BitLife

Well, there are quite a few things that need to be maintained at the 100 level in this challenge. But among all of them, keeping $100 in your account is the toughest one. The real issue isn’t that it is too much money but on the contrary, it is quite a few amounts.

Earning bucks in BitLife is quite easy, however, keeping such a low amount in the account is quite challenging. Coupled with the fact that at the age of 100 years, our account is already accumulated with tons of cash, and this makes it all the more intriguing. Still there are quite a few nifty tricks up our sleeves that will help you achieve this objective and hence complete the challenge.

To begin with, make sure you are a regular spender in the game. Make costly purchases and always go for the high-end and luxurious items. Buy large houses, big cars, pets and you could hand out a large sum of cash as gifts. The latter has dual advantages. Not only it will help you in lowering the cash amount but will also increase the relationship stats. Do remember in the 100 challenge, we also have to keep the relationship meter up to 100 as well. So this way you can achieve dual objectives competition.

Premium Rewards Might be Useful

Furthermore if you have a BitLife premium reward, then things become easier for you. For example, if your character dies during a mission, you could begin with the new one right from that instance itself. This way this new character will inherit all the money but will be much younger than your earlier character. As a result, you get much more time in your hands to spend off the money. Moreover, since you are already having so much money, you could leave your current job and just look for ways to shrug off these amounts of money.

On the other hand, users who don’t have premium rewards, things might turn out to be somewhat difficult. If your character dies midway, you could still begin with a new one. But you won’t be able to inherit any of his traits and more importantly the money that he had. Likewise, when your character retires, he might end up getting some retirement benefits as well. Make sure either you refuse to take the amount or spend it as quickly as possible. While you are doing all these, make sure to give your relatives a regular visit and impress them with cash and other goodies. This is because keeping the happiness and relationship meter at 100 are also two of the prerequisites that need to be done.


So with this, we conclude the guide on how to get $100 in your bank account in BitLife. Although it is no easy task, the above-given instructions will come in handy. Similarly make sure to keep a note on the relations as well.

Once you manage to keep all the three things at a perfect 100, then when you turn 100 years old, you should have successfully completed the 100 challenge. On that note, here are some iPhone Tips and Tricks, PC tips and tricks, and Android Tips and Trick that are cent-percent useful too!